Saturday 18 April 2015

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at the preliminary task, what do feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

When we first filmed the preliminary task we weren't experienced with the camera and had to gain knowledge through the filming. We took the positive aspects from the preliminary task and incorporated it in our piece like the match on action thought that would be good to put in our piece and the close up of the characters face as the characters face alone tells a story. The preliminary task has helped us to gain an understanding of camares and editing, we had to use final cut to edit it and it gave us the basic understanding of it. Even though the preliminary task and the final opening sequence are very different we were able to bring certain aspects from the preliminary task into our opening sequence. I believe if we compare the preliminary task to the opening sequence there is a huge difference of quality so through the preliminary task he have been able to develop from it to a full piece.

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