Thursday, 5 March 2015

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

This was our first attempt of using a camera and we were able to have some experience with it and have a better understanding of the different features the camera has. We were able to incorporate some media techniques like match on action and see the effects with and without them, we explored the effects of the"over the shoulder" shot which would make the audience feel like they are in the scene and allow them to develop the emotions which the characters could have. The Preliminary task helped my group to develop some ideas of shots we would like in our opening sequence and if it would suit our genre and theme. This preliminary task showed us what we need to work on like making sure our hand is steady and using the tripod as much as possible. Also we used shot reverse shot when the questioning was happening because we thought that could build up tension for one of the characters to explode into anger, so I think that the shot reverse shot helped to build up to the climax.

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