Tuesday 16 December 2014

Lighting-own pictures

Lighting-own pictures 

I thought that taking pictures of our own would help us to understand how lighting can effect the way a scene will look. The first picture there is no lighting and she seems darker then the other, the first photo is not as clear as the second one which helps my group to see the effects of lighting.

If you compare the two photos you are able to see that the features in one are more visible then the other and one is more effective then the other, it gives the person a whole different status and look which is key to our opening thriller sequence. I understood that the lighting can change a picture completely and even the type of atmosphere we try to create can be changed just by the lighting.
Even the surroundings around h er are brighter and now visible now that lighting has been added to the picture.

Now that I have examples of different lightings I am able to work on my thriller opening sequence better and understand how the different effects lighting has on a shot and how it can take my work to another level.

Wednesday 10 December 2014



Setting up the tripod 

Before we started filming we had to get use to the tripod we are using and understand how to work the tripod and understand the benefits of using a tripod, this period saved us a lot of trouble in the future and decreased the amount of problems which will occur.

I took photos of my group setting up the tripod and learning how to use it with the camera, we also learnt how to use a tripod properly and for what type of shots we would use it for. I understood that it helps for you to shoot a steady shot and features like the handle allows us to move the tripod side to side with no shaking involved.

Monday 8 December 2014

The missing analysis


The Missing

The Missing is a TV drama which is about a child which goes missing in France at a swimming pool, some scenes are set in present day and some when the incident occurred. There are elements of thriller within the drama which I thought will help me with my media coursework and help my group to see what techniques are used in the drama.

The Title sequence of the Missing was very good because it was relevant to the TV drama and they used shots which was later seen in the program as it progresses, the background music was very effective as it built up tension and it told a story about a mother which waits for there missing child top come home which is relevant to the drama. Also I like the way the music changed from positive at the beginning into a dull kind of negative sounds which linked with the shots as it became darker and shots of a dark forest. The lighting which was used, was very good as red and orange symbolises danger they used it at the swimming pool to show that danger was there and that was the same place the child became missing. At the end of the Title sequence it becomes white which shows there is still hope of finding the child

A lot of the shots they use in the Title sequence foreshadows events which are to occur but the audience doesn't know that, it is very effective as during the program progresses you realise certain parts from the title sequence being revealed.

Saturday 6 December 2014


Setting up a camera 

Before filming we had to understand how to work a camera and the different effects it could do, also how both cameras function and how to place them on a tripod properly and t keep it sturdy.
In these photos we are learning about the cameras and performing what we learnt our self's, we are understanding how to change certain light effects and filters to me our filming better quality. We made sure that we all knew how to do it as it will allow everyone a turn to film and make it a team effort.
We also learnt the effects of not following instructions properly and how it will be harder to film, but now we have knowledge about cameras we will be able to do different settings for our opening sequence.    

Friday 5 December 2014

Seven opening sequence

Seven opening sequence 

The seven opening sequence was very creative and generated tension and suspense very quickly, the writing of the cast is blury which confuses the audience and helps for them film producers to leave a very unusual beginning. Most of the shots were dark which presents the film as a negative one or a fearful film to certain people. 

The high angle shots of the hands which unusual created questions amongst the audience which can not be revealed yet until the program is finished. The transitions between shots were quit fast which kept the audience engaged in the opening sequence and the editing is at a fast paste which is useful for my group as we may use fast editing for our piece, the fast editing meant that we only had a glance of certain  images. Extreme close ups which creates mystery for the audience of the image which is extreme close ups.

An unknown person or shadow was seen in the opening sequence to increase the tension levels higher and red is known for blood that gives us an insight that violence may occur for some reason.

Tuesday 2 December 2014




Our proposal is very important as it will help organise and lay out what our idea is and how it is going to be done, it shows that we have thought about what we are doing in detail and it will allow for our teacher to help us make some improvements to our opening scene. The proposal will consist of the idea, the setting, props and costume, ideas for music and editing. This will allow us to make a picture of our own of how it would look, it is important that we follow the proposal as it will keep us on track for our piece and prevents us from going into other genres.

We used PowerPoint to create our proposal because we thought that would be the best program to use for it, I was able to show a slideshow to my class speaking about our ideas and thoughts behind our proposal and why we chose the storyline. This proposal isn't our final idea and will probably be changed or developed on during the course of the creation of the opening scene.